Tech Patterns :: Firefox UserAgent Switcher list There's lots of uses for user agent switching as long as there are lame website makers who do silly Internet Explorer only user agent detection when the site runs fine on Firefox. User-Agent: Waterfox · Issue #178 · MrAlex94/Waterfox · GitHub I'd like to know if it's possible to remove Waterfox after Firefox agent to avoid identification Most people don't use Waterfox. I believe it's safer to leave as if it was default Mozilla Firefox Talk:User agent - Wikipedia
Using Chrome User Agent for Android - YouTube PHP Tutorial Learn Array Programming for User Agent Script : Get Browser and OS - Duration: 17:34. Adam Khoury 18,081 views Firefox拡張機能「User-Agent Switcher」の有効な使い方 |... Firefoxの拡張機能「User-Agent Switcher」を使うと、Firefoxのユーザーエージェントを、ほかのOSやブラウザに切り替えられます。 Extension User-Agent Switcher pour Chrome - Aide Google ...
PHP Tutorial Learn Array Programming for User Agent Script : Get Browser and OS - Duration: 17:34. Adam Khoury 18,081 views User-Agent Switcher CRX - Free Developer Tools ... User-Agent Switcher Description: Just right click on any page and select your user-agent. This Chrome extension adds a toolbar button and a menu to switch between user-agents. Browse with our predefined user-agents or add your own user-agents. Analyse du User Agent - User Agent Un user agent est un identifiant qui permet à un « agent » de s'identifier sur le web et de donner des informations sur lui-même. Ce site donne des informations sur les users-agents pour les développeurs et webmasters.
Přepínač uživatelů agentů pro Firefox Pokud z nějakého důvodu potřebujete, aby web nepoznal, že používáte Mozilla Firefox, můžete tyto informace skrýt pomocí přepínače User Agent. How to Watch Web Videos After Uninstalling Flash For example, Firefox may not work as well as Chrome and Safari for this — Chrome and Safari are more similar to the mobile browsers on iOS and Android. Free Download User Agent Switcher | Hacking Tools User Agent Switcher add-on; adds a one click user agent switch to the browser. It adds a menu and tool bar button in the browser.
[Diff] Only in /tmp/uafake: META-INF Only in /tmp/uafake/assets…